One pre-post trial found 30 minutes of FES rowing over 6 weeks resulted in significant reduction shoulder related pain post SCI.
There is limited level 4 evidence (Wilbanks et al. 2016) that FES improves shoulder pain post SCI.
FES may improve musculoskeletal shoulder pain post SCI.
Pain Module With Tables
SCIRE Community: Acupuncture
SCIRE Community: Cannabis and Cannabinoids
SCIRE Community: Pain After SCI
SCI-BC | Living With SCI: Pain
MSKTC: Pain After SCI Factsheet
MSKTC: Pain After SCI Factsheet (español)
MSKTC: Opioids and Your Health Factsheet
MSKTC: Opioids and Your Health Factsheet (español)
MSKTC: Activity Modification for MSK Pain Factsheet
MSKTC: Activity Modification for MSK Pain Factsheet (español)
Brief Pain Inventory (BPI)
Classification System for Chronic Pain in SCI
Donovan SCI Pain Classification System
Multidimensional Pain Inventory (MPI) – SCI Version
Multidimensional Pain Readiness to Change Questionnaire (MPRCQ2)
Quantitative Sensory Testing (QST)
Tunk’s Classification Scheme
Pain Assessment
Outcome Measures
ICORD: Currently Recruiting Studies
SCI Trials Finder: Currently Recruiting Trials