AIS | ASIA Impairment Scale |
BCM | broad compression massage |
BDI | Beck Depression Inventory |
BPI | brief pain inventory |
BTX | botulinum toxin |
CBT | cognitive behavioural therapy |
CDP | central dysesthetic pain |
CESD-SF | Center of Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale – short form |
CRT | circuit resistance training |
CSQ | Coping Strategies Questionnaire |
DAAC | duration-adjusted average change |
DREZ | dorsal root entry zone |
EEG | electroencephalography |
EMG | electromyography |
FIM | Functional Independence Measure |
GABA | gamma-aminobutyric acid |
GAD | gabapentin amitripyline diphenhydramine |
HADS | Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale |
ISCIP | international Spinal Cord Injury Pain |
ITB | intrathecal baclofen |
LCT | light contact touch |
MMPI | Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory |
MPI | Multidimensional Pain Inventory |
MPQ | McGill Pain Questionnaire |
NMDA | N-methyl D aspartate |
NRS | numeric rating scale |
NSAIDS | non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs |
PAD | Zung pain and distress |
PC | performance corrected |
PGIC | patient global impression of change |
PM | pain medications |
PMP | pain management program |
PQOL | perceived quality of life |
PSS | perceived stress scale |
QI | energy flow |
QOL | quality of life |
ROM | range of motion |
RPE | rating of perceived exertion |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
SF-36 | Short Form – 36 |
SF-MPQ | short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire |
SHCS | Stanford Hypnotic Clinical Scale |
SPI | Sternbach pain intensity |
SRQ | shoulder rating questionnaire |
STAI | State Trait Anxiety Inventory |
TCA | tricyclic antidepressants |
TCES | transcranial electrical stimulation |
tDCS | transcranial direct current stimulation |
TENS | transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation |
THC | delta-9-tetra hydrocannabinol |
TMS | transcranial magnetic stimulation |
VAS | visual analogue scale |
VNS | verbal numeric score |
WHYMPI | West Haven Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory |
WUFA | wheelchair Users Functional Assessment |
WUSPI | wheelchair User’s Shoulder Pain Index |
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