
ADL activities of daily living
AIS ASIA Impairment Scale
ARC arcing
ASB attachment to standard back support
ASIA American Spinal Injury Association
BG bimanual glider
BMI body mass index
CA total contact area
CCC custom contour cushions
CHART Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique
CJ conventional joystick
COM center of mass
COP center of pressure displacement
COPM Canadian Occupational Performance Measure
DFLCOP COP state + position + velocity
DI dispersion index
DLOP double looping over propulsion
EMG electromyography
FEW functional every day with a wheelchair
FSA forced sensing array
HFH high friction flexible handrim
ICF international classification of functioning disability and health
IT ischial tuberosities
LTS lateral trunk supports
MMT manual muscle testing
MP metacarpophalangeal
MWCU manual wheelchair user group
NMWCU non-manual wheelchair user group
OT occupational therapists
PAPAW pushrim-activated power-assisted wheelchairs
PIADS psychosocial impact of assistive devices scale
POpeak peak power output
PPI peak pressure index
PRT pressure relieving tilt
PWC power wheelchair
QUEST Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction with assistive Technology
ROM range of motion
RPE rate of perceived exertion
RSB replacement of standard back support
RSES Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale
SA seat anterior
SB standard back support
SC semicircular
SCI spinal cord injury
SCIM spinal cord independence measure III
SLOP single looping over propulsion
SP seat posterior
SUH standardized uncoated handrim
SWC standard wheelchair
TcPCO2 transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide
TcPO2 transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen
UWC ultralight wheelchair
VAS visual analog scale
VO2 oxygen uptake
VO2peak peak oxygen uptake
WhOM wheelchair outcome measure
WO-BPS partially removed ischial support and lumbar support