
Massage therapy provides several health benefits which may contribute to improved mental health outcomes including stress reduction, improved circulation, pain management, and improved sleep. While research pertaining to its efficacy among individuals with SCI is limited, these benefits, along with a lack of associated adverse effects, may make massage a suitable adjunct therapeutic approach. The following studies review the impact of massage therapy on symptoms of depression.


Two studies found the massage was effective in reducing symptoms of depression post SCI (Chase et al. 2013; Diego et al. 2002). Diego et al. (2002) found that participants who received twice weekly massage for 5 weeks had greater reduction in depressive symptoms than those that participated in a 5 week exercise program. A second study reported that light contact touch as more effective at reducing symptoms of depression than compression massage (Chase et al. 2013).


There is level 1b evidence (Diego et al. 2002) that massage may be effective in reducing symptoms of depression post SCI.