AAQ-II | Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II |
ABI | acquired brain injury |
ACT | acceptance and commitment therapy |
ASIA | American Spinal Injury Association |
BCM | body compression massage |
BI | Barthel Index |
BPI | Brief Pain Inventory |
BMSC | bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells |
BWSTT | body weight supported treadmill training |
CBT | cognitive behavioural therapy |
CBT-PMP | Cognitive Behavioural Pain Management Program |
CD-RISC | Connor Davidson Resilience Scale |
CENTRAL | Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials |
CES | cranial electrotherapy etimulation |
CES-D | Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale |
CET | Coping Effectiveness Training |
CFQ-7 | Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire-7 |
CINAHL | Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature |
CMI | clinical meditation and imagery |
COPE | Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced |
CPAQ-8 | Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire-8 |
CSS | Coping Strategies Scale |
CYHQ | Check Your Health Questionnaire |
DASS21 | Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale – Short |
DN4 | Douleur Neuropathique en 4 Questions |
ePACT | electronic personal administration of cognitive therapy |
EMAS | Engagement in Meaningful Activities Survey |
EMDR | eye movement desensitization and reprocessing |
EWQ | Emotional Wellbeing Questionnaire |
FES | functional electrical stimulation |
FIM | Functional Impairment Measure |
FSS | Fatigue Severity Scale |
FFMQ | Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire |
GAD-7 | Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 |
GBP | gabapentin |
GSES | Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale |
GQOLI-74 | Generic Quality of Life Inventory-74 |
HADS | Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale |
HBO | hyperbaric oxygen |
HDRS | Hamilton Depression Rating Scale |
HLPL-II | Health Promoting Lifestyle Profile-II |
ICBT | internet-based cognitive behavioural therapy |
ISCIPBDS | International Spinal Cord Injury Pain Basic Data Set |
JOA | Japanese Orthopedic Assessment |
JSES | Job Procurement Self-Efficacy Scale |
LCT | light contact touch massage |
LOT-R | Life-Orientation Test Revised |
LSIA | Life Satisfaction Index-A |
LSS | Life Satisfaction Scale |
LSQ | Life Satisfaction Questionnaire |
MAAS | Mindful Attention Awareness Scale |
MAACLR | Mutiple Affect Adjective Check List |
MAR | music assisted relaxation |
MBI | mindfulness-based intervention |
MDT | multidisciplinary team |
MHI-5 | Mental Health Inventory-5 |
MPI-LIS | Multi-Dimensional Pain Inventory Life Interference Subscale |
MSES | Moorong Self-Efficacy Scale |
Neuro-QOL-SF | Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders Short Form |
NIBS | Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation |
NP | neuropathic pain |
NRS | Numeric Rating Scale |
OAHMQ | Older Adult Health and Mood Questionnaire |
PADS | Physical Activities with Disabilities Scale |
PANAS | Positive and Negative Affect Schedule |
PARA-SCI | Physical Activity Recall Assessment for Spinal Cord Injury |
PART-O | Participation Assessment with Recombined Tools – Objective |
PCS | Pain Catastrophizing Scale |
PDI | Pain Disability Index |
PEDro | Physiotherapy Evidence Database |
PGB | pregabalin |
PHQ-9 | Patient Health Questionnaire-9 |
PSEQ | Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire |
PSS | Perceived Stress Scale |
PSQI | Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index |
PTGI-SF | Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory Short Form |
QOL | quality of life |
Q-LES-Q-SF | Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form |
RCT | randomized controlled tria |
RNLI | Reintegration into Normal Living Index |
RSES | Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale |
rTMS | Repetitive Transmagnetic Stimulation |
SAHP | Self-Rated Abilities for Health Practices Scale |
SAS | Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale |
SCI | spinal cord injury |
SCI-QOL | Spinal Cord Injury Quality of Life |
SCS | Secondary Conditions Scale |
SCS-SF | Self-Compassion Scale – Short Form |
SDS | Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale |
SF-36 | Short Form Health Survey |
SGT | supportive group therapy |
SIS | Sexual Interest and Satisfaction Scale |
SOPA | Survey of Pain Attitudes |
SPS | Self-Perception Scale |
SRHS | Self-Rated Health Scale |
SSQ | Social Support Questionnaire |
STI | State Trait Anxiety Inventory |
SUS | System Usability Scale |
SWLS | Diener Satisfaction with Life Scale |
TC | telephone counselling |
tDCS | Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation |
TMS | Toronto Mindfulness Scale |
TSQ | Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire |
UTI | urinary tract infection |
VAS-A | Visual Analogue Scale – Anxiety |
VR | virtual reality |
WBPQ | Wisconsin Brief Pain Questionnaire |
WHOQOL-BREF | World Health Organization Quality of Life BREF |
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