Falci et al. 2009; USA
Population: Mean age: 40.5 yr; Level of injury: C6=163, C6-T1=83, T1=116; Level of severity: AIS A=229, B=36, C=41, D=54, E=2.
Intervention: Surgical treatment for spinal cord untethering.
Outcome Measures: Asia Impairment Scale (AIS) sensory and motor scores, Sensory and motor changes, Subjective report of changes post-surgery.
- Sixty percent of the patients found an improvement in spasticity, 77% found an improvement in hyperhidrosis and 47% reported an improvement in neuropathic pain.
- Most patients (86.5%) required only one surgery.
- Progressive myelopathy regarding sensory and motor functions was arrested for an average of 3.3-3.4 yr post-surgery.
- 89% of patients reported an arrest in loss of sensory and/or motor function post-surgery.
- Return of function was reported in 46% of the patients.
Lee et al. 2001; USA
Case Series
Population: Mean age: 45.6 yr; Gender: males=30, females=15.
Intervention: Records of patients who underwent surgical treatment for posttraumatic syringomyelia were assessed. Patients were divided into three groups: Group 1 underwent untethering only, Group 2 underwent shunting only, and Group 3 underwent both untethering and shunting. Patients were followed up to assess treatment efficacy.
Outcome Measures: Improvement in symptoms, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Complications.
- There was no significant difference in outcomes between groups.
- Patients in the surgical untethering group:
- Demonstrated improvement in motor and spasticity symptoms in the majority of patients (60% and 58%, respectively).
- Experienced 1 treatment failure and 2 complications.
- Revealed cyst re-accumulation at 1 yr follow-up.
- The shunt only group experienced one complication and three treatment failures; 60% of patients in this group experienced improvement in gait followed by sensory (57%) and motor (54%).
- Among those who underwent both untethering and shunting, 33% had clinical recurrence, one experienced CSF leak, and 50% showed improvement in motor symptoms.
Lee et al. 2000; USA
Case Series
Population: Mean age: 43.2 yr; Gender: males=23, females=11.
Intervention: Records of patients who underwent surgical treatment for posttraumatic syringomyelia were assessed. Patients underwent laminectomies and a syringosubarachnoid shunt was inserted. Patients were divided into three groups: Group 1 underwent untethering only, Group 2 underwent shunting only, and Group 3 underwent both untethering and shunting. Patients were followed up to assess treatment efficacy.
Outcome Measures: Improvement in symptoms, Complications.
- At follow-up (>1 yr), 26 patients had resolution of one or more of their pre-operative symptoms; two patients experienced deterioration of motor function.
- A decrease in spasticity was the most common improvement in patients who underwent untethering only (67%), followed by motor functioning (57%) and sensory loss (50%); this group experienced one treatment failure and two complications.
- Improvement in gait was seen most frequently in the shunt only procedure group (60%), followed by motor (50%) and sensory loss (50%); in this group, two treatment failures and two complications occurred.
- Patients who underwent untethering and shunt procedures did not experience clinical reoccurrence; motor (67%) and gait (50%) improved in patients in this group.
Falci et al. 1999; USA
Case Series
Population: Mean age: 26 yr; Gender: males=49, females=10; Level of severity: AIS A=53, B=1, C=4, D=1.
Intervention: All patients underwent spinal untethering and if a spinal cyst was present a lumbo-peritoneal shunt tube was placed along the length of the cyst.
Outcome Measures: Pinprick, Motor and light touch scores, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings, Somatosensory evoked potentials.
- Participants with no previous surgery showed a significant increase in light touch (+2.38), pinprick (+3.88) and motor scores (+1.47) post-surgery.
- Participants who had previous surgery had a decrease in touch, pinprick and motor score, although it was minimal (0.7, 0.8, and 0.5, respectively).
- At 2 wk post-surgery, MRI showed decreased cyst size or complete collapse.
- Somatosensory evoked potentials were improved in amplitude compared to baseline; latency of 2 milliseconds or greater was observed in 27 patients.