Alibrahim F, Cao P, McIntyre A, Sequeira K, Teasell R (2022). Syringomyelia Following Spinal Cord Injury. In Eng JJ, Teasell RW, Miller WC, Wolfe DL, Townson AF, Hsieh JTC, Noonan VK, Loh E, Sproule S, McIntyre A, Querée M (Eds). Spinal Cord Injury Research Evidence.
Post-traumatic syringomyelia is a term used to describe the formation of an intramedullary cyst (syrinx) filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the spinal cord (Brodbelt & Stoodley 2003). Though uncommon, its impact can be devastating following spinal cord injury (SCI). It can be seen as early as two months after injury, or many years later (Vernon, Silver & Symon 1983). The typical clinical features of syringomyelia are motor and sensory deficits which correlate to the level of the syrinx (Davidson, Rogers & Stoodley 2018).