Economic Evaluation Studies

A total of 19 studies met the criteria for full review. These studies were published between 2004 and 2018, each investigating a different intervention.

Review of Study Methods: A table with the full checklist results of all studies is presented in the Appendix. The study question was clearly presented in all but 2 studies. Incremental costs and effects were calculated for all studies. Statistical analyses or sensitivity analyses were conducted in 14 of 19 studies to address uncertainty. A total of 18 of the 19 studies used estimates from the best available sources. In 17 studies, cost estimation methods were clearly described. Health outcome measures used were considered reliable or otherwise justified in 17 studies. The conclusions of 17 studies were congruent to the study results. The methods for abstracting the data were explained in 17 studies. In 17 studies, authors noted the funding source of their study. The structure of the economic model, methods and analysis and numerator and denominator components were clearly presented in 16 studies. A total of 15 studies had a time horizon that included all relevant outcomes and was discounted beyond a year. The justification for the economic model used, main assumptions and limitation were also stated in 15 studies. In 14 studies, justification for the measures used for the primary outcome was reported. In 13 studies, the perspective was stated and justified. The impact of potential biases was only discussed in 10 studies.