Sexual Health Assessment

People with SCI, the same as able-bodied individuals, should have sexual health care examinations, including genital/prostate examination for men, and genital/pelvic examination and menstrual function assessment for women. Relevant medical, surgical, psychological and relationship status information should be obtained, as well as any sexual issues prior to SCI. Medication that could interfere with sexual functioning (e.g., antidepressants, antispasmodics and opioids) should also be considered during an examination of sexual health (Alexander et al. 2017). There may be secondary health conditions common in people with SCI that have sexual ramifications (e.g., spasticity, pressure sores on the pelvis, buttocks or genitals, low testosterone in men, and bowel and bladder dysfunction) and they need to be considered by care professionals when providing health examinations (Alexander et al. 2017). Furthermore, contraception options and fertility wishes should be discussed.