Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale (ESES)


The SCI Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale (ESES) is a scale developed to measure a person with SCI's beliefs or confidence that they can perform various physical activities and exercise [...]

Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale (ESES)2022-07-18T11:41:12-07:00

Moorong Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES)


Developed to measure self-efficacy in performing functional activities of daily living in individuals with SCI. Consists of two factors: daily activities (e.g., I can maintain my personal hygiene [...]

Moorong Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES)2024-02-05T14:46:14-08:00

Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction Score (NBD)


The NBD is a self-report questionnaire designed to help healthcare professionals evaluate the effectiveness of their patient’s current bowel management routine by assessing the impact it has on [...]

Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction Score (NBD)2025-01-14T10:13:18-08:00

Spinal Cord Ability Ruler (SCAR)


The Spinal Cord Ability Ruler provides clinician-administered interval scale to measure volitional performance after SCI. Specifically, it measures voluntary physical movements that contribute to independence in daily living [...]

Spinal Cord Ability Ruler (SCAR)2022-07-18T12:06:01-07:00

Spinal Cord Injury Secondary Conditions Scale (SCI-SCS)


Specifically measures the frequency that people with SCI get associate secondary conditions that directly and indirectly impact health and physical functioning. Items were selected based on 3 criteria: [...]

Spinal Cord Injury Secondary Conditions Scale (SCI-SCS)2022-07-18T14:09:58-07:00

Waist Circumference


Waist circumference (WC) is the simple measure of length around a person’s abdomen. It can be particularly important in people with SCI for health and for function as [...]

Waist Circumference2025-01-14T10:16:12-08:00

Wheelchair User’s Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI)


The Wheelchair User’s Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI) is a simple and effective self-report questionnaire for quickly measuring the functional cost of shoulder pain in wheelchair users. The WUSPI [...]

Wheelchair User’s Shoulder Pain Index (WUSPI)2025-01-14T10:19:52-08:00

Wingate Anaerobic Testing (WAnT)


Method of assessing muscle power. Involves a 30-second maximal effort trial on a leg or arm ergometer. First validated in able-bodied individuals to use as a predictor of [...]

Wingate Anaerobic Testing (WAnT)2025-01-14T10:29:11-08:00
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