- Assesses an individual’s ability to perform one handed reaching tasks while standing
- Consists of 21 tasks which involve performing both gross and fine motor skills; crossing midline; and lifting and lowering light and heavy objects. Examples of tasks include: lifting light objects down from the lowest shelf; stacking checkers on the counter top at the midline; lifting heavy objects up to the top shelf.
Clinical Considerations
- The tasks simulate skills required to work in a kitchen environment but these skills are easily transferred to other environments (e.g. shopping). The tasks cover a broad range of difficulty.
- The specialized equipment may limit its usefulness in some clinical/research settings.
- The FST was originally developed using able-bodied individuals and has been modified for individuals with SCI. However, the only testing of the FST for SCI has been done in individuals with T3-6 injuries.
ICF Domain
Activity ▶ Mobility