• The World Health Organization Quality of Life – BREF (WHOQOL-BREF) is a self-report questionnaire which assesses 4 domains of quality of life (QOL): physical health, psychological health, social relationships, and environment. In addition, there are 2 items that measure overall QOL and general health.
  • The assessment conceptually fits with the WHO definition of QOL. WHOQOL-BREF can provide data for both research and clinical purposes. Although it is a relatively brief instrument, its structure allows one to acquire specific information covering many aspects of life.
  • The WHOQOL(Bref) is short and easy to administer.
  • This scale was not developed for individuals with SCI, therefore, it is possible that there are some questions in the scale that are not relevant.
  • The WHOQOL(Bref) is grouped into 4 domains of QOL and 2 items that measure overall QOL and general health:
  1. Physical health (raw score range: 7-35)
  2. Psychological health (raw score range: 6-30)
  3. Social relationships (raw score range: 3-15)
  4. Environment (raw score range: 8-40)

ICF Domain

Quality of Life


Approximately 10-15 minutes to complete the 26 items


Participants express how much they have experienced the items in the preceding 2 weeks on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (not at all) to 5 (completely).

Items scored 1-5. Raw domain score is the sum of respective item scores.

All domain scores are reported between 4 and 20 (mean scores for each multiplied by 4); for the scoring algorithm, check the User Manual (http://www.who.int/mental_health/publications/whoqol/en/index.html)

SPSS algorithm available for automatic scoring.




More than 60 languages are available here.

Training Required



The WHOQOL-BREF in English can be found here.

# of studies reporting psychometric properties: 9

Reliability: Low to High

  • Moderate to High Inter-rater Reliability:
    ICC = 0.56-0.95
  • High Intra-rater Reliability:
    ICC = 0.84-0.93

(Lin, 2007; N=187, 151 male, mixed injury type, mean time since injury = 7.4 years)
(Salvador-De La Barrera et al. 2018, N=54 (44M); Mean age (SD): 45.5 (13.2); 20 CSCI, 28 TSCI, 6 LSCI)

  • Low to High Internal Consistency:
    Overall α = 0.73-0.89
    Physical Health Domain α = 0.73-0.87
    Psychological Domain α = 0.74-0.86
    Social Relationship Domain α = 0.54-0.75
    Environment Domain α = 0.65-0.86

(Lin, 2007; N=187, 151 male, mixed injury type, mean time since injury = 7.4 years)
(Salvador-De La Barrera et al. 2018, N=54 (44M); Mean age (SD): 45.5 (13.2); 20 CSCI, 28 TSCI, 6 LSCI)
(Xavier de Franca et al. 2011, N=47 (91.5% Male); Mean age (SD): 42.95 (14.12))
(Jang 2004, N=111; Mean age (SD): 40 (13); Complete tetraplegia=23, Incomplete tetraplegia=28, Complete paraplegia=43, Incomplete paraplegia=17)
(Miller et al. 2008, N=161 (77% Male); Mean age (SD): 46.88 (15.52))

Validity: Low to High

  • Moderate or higher correlation between WHOQOL- BREF subscales and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) subscales measuring similar constructs:
    r > 0.4

(Lin, 2007; N=187, 151 male, mixed injury type, mean time since injury = 7.4 years)

  • Low to High correlation between WHOQOL-BREF subscales and the Impact of Participation and Autonomy Questionnaire (IPAQ) subscales:
    r = -0.30 to -0.65

(Suttiwong et al., 2013; N=161, 77% male, mixed injury types, mean (SD) time since injury = 10.6 (7.1) years)


  • Stratified random sample by current employment status of 30 participants, selected from those who had been employed before the SCI, were interviewed for a second time to recall their health related QoL at the time of the injury.
  • Effect Sizes:
    • Overall QOL and general health domain: 1.01
    • Physical Health Domain: 1.83
    • Psychological Health  Domain: 0.78
    • Social Relationship Domain: 1.16
    • Environment Domain: 0.78

(Lin et al. 2007)

Floor/ceiling effect

0.0%-1.3% at floor

0.0%-0.4% at ceiling

Lin et al. 2007


Jane Hsieh, Elsa Sun

Date Last Updated

31 December 2024

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WHOQOL Group. Development of the World Health Organization WHOQOL-BREF quality of life assessment. Psychol Med 1998;28:551-558.