- Used to assess the risk for pressure ulcer development
- Created to provide better sensitivity and specificity than the Norton by increasing the number of items used
- Every patient is evaluated on 8 items:
- Age
- Sex
- Body build
- Appetite
- Continence of urine and feces
- Mobility
- Skin appearance in risk areas
- Special risks (disorders associated with tissue malnutrition, neurological deficits, medication, recent surgery or trauma)
Clinical Considerations
- The Waterlow scale is quick and easy to use screen that provides predictive information about the risk of developing a pressure sore
- The scale omits items previously found to be important predictors of pressure ulcer development for people with SCI in acute and rehabilitation settings
- The reliability of the scale has not been demonstrated with a population with SCI, but poor inter-rater reliability has been reported in other populations
- The scale is easy to score and administrate with no patient burden
ICF Domain
Body Function ▶ Functions of the Skin