- Generic health status measure
- Measures physical, mental and social aspects of health-related functioning in 6 subscales:
1) Somatic autonomy (score: 0-17)
2) Mobility control (score: 0-12)
3) Mobility range (score: 0-11)
4) Social behavior (score: 0-12)
5) Emotional stability (score: 0-6)
6) Psychological autonomy/communication (score: 1-10) - Contains statements regarding behavior “sickness impact” and the individual is asked to respond by checking items that describe their health status
Clinical Considerations
- The SIP 68 is a commonly used health status measure and it is possible to compare results with various patient populations, including those with SCI. However, the evidence on the psychometric properties of the SIP 68 for a SCI population is limited and more research is needed to assess reliability and responsiveness.
- The response options (applies or does not apply to my situation) may cause deceptive figures in the SCI population because all items related to difficulties with walking will be scored negatively, causing a lower score indicating greater health-related status.
ICF Domain
Quality of Life