- Developed to evaluate the impact of counseling programs and sexual education for persons with SCI and their partners.
- Considers both sexual behavior and sexual/non-sexual concerns, illustrating a client-centered questionnaire.
- The SAIQ consists of 4 scales:
- Sexual Information.
- Sexual Behavior Acceptability.
- Sexual Concerns.
- Non-sexual Concerns.
- Each subscale presents separate information:
- Higher scores for scale I suggest individuals are knowledgeable about physiological aspects of sexual functioning.
- Higher scores on scale II represents acceptance of sexual behaviors.
- Higher scores on scale III indicates little concern about sexual functioning.
- Higher scores on scale IV suggests considerable concern about non-sexual functioning.
Clinical Considerations
- The SAIQ may prove to be a useful tool to evaluate the effectiveness of sexual counseling and education programs designed for individuals SCI. It may also be useful for identifying individuals who would benefit from such a program.
- The questionnaire may require updating, as there has been a considerable increase in public awareness and understanding of issues such as erectile dysfunction since its publication in 1980.
- The SAIQ is easy to complete and the phrasing is clear; however, the content may be culturally sensitive.
ICF Domain
Body Function ▶ Functions of the Reproductive System