- Theoretically linked to the cognitive-behavioral conceptualization of chronic pain, where emphasis is placed on the assessment of subjective distress and the impact of pain on patient’s lives
- A slightly revised version of the MPI was devised for the SCI population
- Consists of 3 sections with 12 subscales (subscales are bracketed):
- Section 1: Pain Impact (life interference, support, life control, pain severity, affective distress)
- Section 2: Responses by Significant Others (distracting responses, negative responses, solicitous responses)
- Section 3: Activities (household activities, activities away from home, social activities, outdoor work)
Clinical Considerations
- The MPI-SCI was developed specifically for use in SCI populations. The questionnaire can be self-completed or done via interview/proxy and is not considered to be a burden to patients
- The emphasis of the MPI-SCI is on the assessment of the subjective distress experienced by patients in terms of pain and suffering and how pain impacts the individual’s life
- Although evidence supports the use of the MPI-SCI to assess the impact of chronic pain with SCI populations, more psychometric evidence is needed to warrant its sustained use
ICF Domain
Body Functions ▶ Sensory Functions