- Developed to measure self-efficacy in performing functional activities of daily living in individuals with SCI
- Consists of two factors: daily activities (e.g., I can maintain my personal hygiene with or without help), and social functioning (e.g., I can enjoy spending time with my friends).
Clinical Considerations
- The scale is specific to individuals with SCI
- Individuals with a strong sense of self-efficacy will set challenging goals and have greater expectations resulting from their efforts. Such an efficacious outlook may positively influence rehabilitation efforts.
- The measurement of self-efficacy in rehabilitation may thus help to identify areas in which individuals with SCI have low self-efficacy of which may be modified via self-efficacy enhancing sources of information.
ICF Domain
Body Function ▶ General Function
- Self-report questionnaire
- Participants rate their confidence in their ability to complete the 16 tasks on a seven-point Likert scale (1-very uncertain, 7-very certain)
- Approximately 5 minutes are required to administer the test
Number of Items
- The total scale score (16-112) is obtained by summing the individual item responses.
- For the factor or subscale scores, add:
- “Daily Activities / Instrumental Self-efficacy” subscale score: sum the 7 items (good health, work, accomplishing things, personal hygiene, persistence in learning things, fulfilling lifestyle, household participation).
- “Social Functioning / Interpersonal Self-efficacy” subscale score: sum the 8 items (maintaining contact, friends, family relationships, unexpected problems, fulfilling lifestyle, leisure, accomplishing things, household participation).
English, Chinese, Swedish, French, and Italian
Training Required
The Moorong Self-Efficacy Scale (MSES) worksheet can be found here.
# of studies reporting psychometric properties: 7
MCID: not established in SCI
SEM: not established in SCI
MDC: not established in SCI
- Higher scores indicate higher perceived self-efficacy
- The scale was able to show a mean change of 8 points (84 – 92) over 6 months in a sample of individuals undergoing sub-acute rehabilitation post-SCI
- Low to High internal consistency for the item-total correlation:
6 of 8 items: 0.46-0.80
2 of 8 items (item 2 and item 4): 0.17 and 0.25
(Middleton et al. 2003; N=36; 28 males, paraplegia and tetraplegia, complete and incomplete injuries; mean (SD) time since injury: 11.2(9.7) years)
- Moderate internal consistency for Factor 1 (social function self-efficacy; 5 items):
α = 0.77 - High internal consistency for Factor 2 (general self-efficacy; 4 items):
α = 0.81 - High internal consistency for Factor 3 (personal function self-efficacy; 7 items):
α = 0.80
(Middleton et al. 2016; N=161; 118 males; age: 48.5±15.1 years; level of injury: 86 paraplegia, 75 tetraplegia; time postinjury: 16.2±12.2)
- High correlation with Sickness Impact Profile-68 (SIP- 68) Psychosocial Subscale:
ρ = -0.80 - Moderate to High correlation with Depression Anxiety Stress Scale – 21 (DASS-21) Subscales:
r = -0.58 to -0.63 - Moderate correlation with Centre for Epidemiologic Diseases Depression Scale (CESD-10) and correlation with Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS):
CEDS: r = -0.54; SWLS: r = 0.51 - Moderate correlation with Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) Subscales:
ρ= -0.31 to -0.56 - Moderate correlation with age and Factor 1 (Social Function Self-Efficacy):
r= -0.32 (P<.01) - High correlation with the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire (LiSat-11):
r=0.72 (P<0.001) - High correlation with the Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC):
r=0.76 (P<0.001) - High correlation with General Self-Efficacy Scale:
r=0.660 (P<0.001)
(Middleton et al. 2003; N=36; 28 males, paraplegia and tetraplegia, complete and incomplete injuries; mean (SD) time since injury: 11.2(9.7) years)
(Killic et al. 2013; N=60; 41 males, 41 incomplete, 18 complete; mean (SD) time since injury: 5.7(7.3) years)
(Miller 2009; N=162; 68.5% males; injury level: Cervical-sacral; mean (SD) time since injury: 9.2(8.6) years)
(Munce et al. 2015; N=99; traumatic SCI; outpatient; mean (SD) time since injury: 17.5 (12.3) years)
(Middleton et al. 2016; N=161; 118 males; age: 48.5±15.1 years; level of injury: 86 paraplegia, 75 tetraplegia; time postinjury: 16.2±12.2)
(Mangold et al. 2024; N=92; 58 males, 24 females; median age = 47; Swedish version of MSES)
(Jia et al. 2022; N=176; 129 males, 47 females; mean age = 39.51; 76 complete, 90 incomplete; injury level: cervical-lumbosacral; mean time since injury: 10.32 months; Chinese version of MSES)
No values were reported for the responsiveness of the MSES for the SCI population.
Floor/Ceiling Effect
- No program participant scored the lowest possible score in any subscale.
- Ceiling effects were noted in the social sub-scale where 17.6% scored the highest possible score. In total, 4.3% of the participants scored the highest possible score on the full scale.
(Mangold et al. 2024; N=92; 58 males, 24 females; median age = 47; Swedish version of MSES)
Dr. William Miller, Dr. Carlos L. Cano-Herrera, Tyra Chu, Frances Fan
Date Last Updated
31 December 2024
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