- Generic instrument that can be used with persons with or without disability
- Developed to measure basic activities of daily living (ADL) independence in both adults and children
- Items are divided into 6 sub-dimensions:
1) Mobility
2) Emergency Communication
3) Dressing
4) Elimination
5) Bathing/Hygiene
6) Eating.
- The majority of items measure ADLs and others measure body function (bladder/bowel emptying and incontinence, chewing/swallowing food and liquids, verbalizing telephone messages).
Clinical Considerations
- The K-B Scale divides each activity into its essential components to get a measure of basic ADL. This is advantageous over other known ADL scales as it makes it possible to detect problematic items within activities and thus helps to better identify rehabilitation treatment.
- The authors suggest using the scale as a method to generate discussion about goals they wish to achieve.
- The scale was not designed specifically for SCI subjects; therefore, items included in the scale may not be important for SCI populations.
ICF Domain
Activity ▶ Self-Care