- The ISAFSCI is an assessment designed to determine which autonomic functions are intact, impaired or lost following SCI.
- A revised version (ISAFSCI second edition) was developed in 2021 (Wecht et al. 2021).
- The assessment form consists of 2 main sections: 1) general autonomic function, and 2) sacral autonomic function.
ICF Domain
Body Functions ▶ Self Care
The functional performance categories are scored on a 2-point scale from 0 (complete loss of control) to 2 (normal function).
Number of Items
Training Required
No additional training required
# of studies reporting psychometric properties: 1
MCID: not established in SCI
SEM: not established in SCI
MDC: not established in SCI
Reliability – Moderate to High
Inter-rater reliability of the COPM is Moderate with the general autonomic component (κ=0.41-0.6) and High within the lower urinary tract, bowel, and sexual function component (κ=0.62-0.88).
(Davidson et al. 2017; n=65; 85.4% males; mean (SD) age: 45 (12) years; details of injury not reported, version 1)
Validity – Moderate to High
- Moderate correlation between composite bladder score and Qualiveen Compositive:
p < 0.0001 - Moderate to High correlation between composite bladder score and ISNSCI composite pinprick score:
rho = 0.69, p = 0.003 - High correlation with ASP test for orthostatic hypotension:
(Kurban et al. 2023; n=49, mean age: 45 years; injury level: cervical – thoracolumbar; mean time since injury 6 years; version 1)
No values were reported for the responsiveness of the ISAFSCI for the SCI population.
Floor/Ceiling Effect
No values were reported for the presence of floor/ceiling effects in the ISAFSCI for the SCI population.
Dr. Vanessa Noonan, Elsa Sun
Date Last Updated
December 31, 2024
Davidson RA, Carlson M, Fallah N, Noonan VK,, Elliott SL, Joseph J, Smith KM, Krassioukov AV. Inter-Rater Reliability of the International Standards to Document Remaining Autonomic Function after Spinal Cord Injury. J Neurotrauma. 2017;34(3):552-558. https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/abs/10.1089/neu.2016.4489?rfr_dat=cr_pub%3Dpubmed&url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org&journalCode=neu
Kurban D, Davidson RA, Smith KM, Carlson M, Joseph J, Elliott S, Noonan VK, Fallah N, Krassioukow AV. Construct validity of the international standards to document remaining autonomic function after spinal cord injury (ISAFSCI) (1st edition). Spinal Cord. 2023;61(12):644-651
Wecht JM, Krassioukov AV, Alexander M, Handrakis JP, McKenna SL, Kennelly M, Trbovich M, et al. International Standards to document Autonomic Function following SCI (ISAFSCI): Second Edition. 2021;27(2):23-49