# of studies reporting psychometric properties: 1
- For all items, higher scores indicate less impact of urinary tract infections on quality of life.
- No normative data has been established for the SCI population.
MCID: is approximately 4 points when defined as that corresponding to a small effect size (0.2 SD at baseline) and approximately 11 points when defined as corresponding to a medium effect size (0.5 SD at baseline).
SEM: ranged from 8-11 points.
MDC: not established.
Internal consistency is High for the I-QOL total score (Cronbach’s a = 0.93) as well as the 3 subscales (Cronbach’s a = 0.79-0.89).
(Schurch et al. 2007)
- Moderate Correlation between SF-36 and I-QOL scores at week 24 for mental health.
r = 0.45-.59
- Moderate Correlation between SF-36 and I-QOL scores at week 24 for social functioning.
r = 0.45-.59
- Moderate Correlation between SF-36 and I-QOL scores at week 24 for vitality.
r = 0.45-.59
RANKING N/A: Correlations between SF-36 and I-QOL scores at the end of the study (week 24) were substantial for most SF-36 domains and tended to be stronger and more likely to be significant than those at screening.
(Schurch et al. 2007)
No values were reported for the responsiveness of the I-QOL for the SCI population.
Floor/Ceiling Effect
There were no ceiling effects for I-QOL total and subscales, and a small floor effect for the Social Embarrassment domain (8.9% subjects had lowest score).
(Schurch et al. 2007)
Dr. Carlos L. Cano-Herrera, Tyra Chu
Date Last Updated
31 Decemer 2024