- Proposes a pain classification system with 2 major categories: neuropathic and musculoskeletal.
- Designed to help with the standardization of pain terminology used in the SCI population.
- Pain is categorized by pain location and distribution, as related to level of spinal injury (e.g. above level, at level or below level). This information is combined with a classification of the subject’s SCI pain.
- Neurologic pain – classifications:
- SCI pain
- Transition zone pain
- Radicular pain
- Visceral pain
- Musculoskeletal pain – classifications:
- Mechanical spine pain
- Overuse pain
Clinical Considerations
- This tool is a reliable (within (κ=0.68) and between (κ=0.66) raters) and standardized system for classifying pain in people with SCI using well defined terminology.
- The interview format improves utility for those with limited hand function.
- There is a high initial patient burden (considerable time is required to complete the assessment); however, follow up sessions require less time.
ICF Domain
Body Function ▶ Sensory Function