- An assessment tool for determining a patient’s risk level for incurring skin breakdown. It has been tested in both acute care and long-term-care settings. Items were developed based on expert consensus.
- The scale evaluates the patient in six domains:
- Sensory Perception
- Moisture
- Activity
- Mobility
- Nutrition
- Friction and Shear
- For each domain, a 1-4 point ordinal scale is used (except for Friction and Shear uses a 1-3 scale)
- 16 or less indicates risk of pressure ulcer
Clinical Considerations
- The scale omits items previously found to be important predictors of pressure ulcer development for people with SCI and includes three factors (sensory perception, mobility and nutritional variables) that were not significantly related to pressure ulcer development for individuals with SCI. Though the reliability of the scale has been demonstrated in a variety of settings, it has not specifically been tested with individuals with SCI.
- There is minimal examiner and no respondent burden (the patient is not asked to perform any special activities).
ICF Domain
Body Function ▶ Functions of the Skin