Tool Description
- A self-paced test. It measures the distance that a patient can walk on a flat, hard surface in 6 minutes.
- assesses the sub-maximal level of functional capacity.
- The test in its entirety evaluates the integrated response of pulmonary, cardiovascular, and circulatory systems, in addition to level of motor control, functional neuromuscular units, and muscle.
- The 6MWT is widely used in many populations and primarily in incomplete SCI.
ICF Domain
Activity ▶ Mobility
- clinician-administered
- may be performed either indoors or outdoors, along a long, flat, straight, and hard surface
- 6 minutes is required for the actual test
- 5-10 minutes is required to set up and explain the test to the patient
- the American Thoracic Society (ATS) recommends that the walking course should be:
- 30 meters in length
- marked at every 3 meters
- marked with a cone at turn-around points
Equipment required
- countdown timer
- tape measure
- mechanical lap counter
- cones to mark the turnaround
- chair that can be easily moved along the walking course.
Because the test was originally developed for stroke patients, the American Thoracic Society also recommends that a source of oxygen, sphygmomanometer, telephone, and an automated electronic defibrillator be available.
- Total distance walked (rounding to the nearest meter) and the number and duration of rests during the test is reported.
- Physiological measures such as dyspnea and fatigue level can be measured using the Borg Scale and pulse oximetry (baseline heart rate and oxygen saturation) can also be recorded at the beginning and end of the test.
Clinical Considerations
- According to the American Thoracic Society, the 6MWT is easier to administer, better tolerated, and more reflective of activities of daily living than other walking tests.
- There are many sources of variability including height, age, body weight, sex, and motivation.
- The participant uses their typical walking aid during the test.
- Other versions of the test such as the 2 Minute Walk Test and the 10 Meter Walk Test can be administered as part of the 6 MWT.
Can be found here.
No administration cost. For additional protocol details, refer to ATS Statement: Guidelines for the Six-Minute Walk Test. Test instructions are available (Function ATSCoPSfCP. ATS statement: guidelines for the six-minute walk test. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2002; 166(1):111-7.)
MCID: 0.10 m/s (Forrest et al. 2014)
SEM: 16.5 metres (Lam et al. 2008 – calculated from measurements made in van Hedel et al. 2005)
MDC: 45.8 metres (Lam et al. 2008– calculated from measurements made in van Hedel et al. 2005)
Standard Error of Measurement:
12.3 m; 0.0342 m/s
(Musselman and Yang 2013; n=20; 14 males, 6 females; incomplete SCI; and mean (SD) time since injury: 5.4 (8.8) years)
Minimal Detectable Change:
0.086 m/s
(Tester et al. 2016; n=72, 57 males, 15 females; 17 ASIA A, 10 ASIA B, 20 ASIA C, and 25 ASIA D; 44 cervical, 28 thoracic; and median (range) time since SCI: 0.7 (0.1-14.7) years)
37.1 m; 0.103 m/s
(Duffell et al. 2015; n=83; 57 males, 26 females; incomplete SCI; and >12 months post-injury)
- Normative data and published data is available for comparison for the SCI population (see the Interpretability section of the Study Details sheet).
- Scores range from 0 meters or feet for patients who are non-ambulatory to the maximum biological limits for normal healthy individuals (approximately 900 meters or 2953 feet).
Training Required
Measurement Property Summary
# of studies reporting psychometric properties: 15
Reliability – High
- Intra-rater reliability is High (r=0.981-0.99)
- Inter-rater reliability is High (r=0.970-1.00).
(Van Hedel et al. 2005; n=22; 14 males; AIS A-D; paraplegia; and no information on chronicity)
- High Test-retest Reliability: ICC = 0.989
(Musselman and Yang 2013; n=20; 14 males, 6 females; mean (SD) age: 46.0 (13.6) years; incomplete SCI; and mean (SD) time since injury: 5.4 (8.8) years)
Validity – Low to High
- Correlation at 3 months post injury is High with:
- 50 foot walking speed (r=0.95)
- Walking Index for Spinal Cord Injury (WISCI I) (r=0.76)
- Timed Up and Go (Spearman ρ =0.88)
- Correlation at 3 months post injury is Moderate with:
- the Berg Balance Scale (Spearman ρ =0.48)
- Lower Extremity Motor Score (r=0.34)
- WISCI II (Spearman ρ =0.60).
(Van Hedel et al. 2005, Van Hedel et al. 2006, Ditunno et al. 2007, Datta et al. 2009)
- Low to High correlation with ASIA Motor Scales: Upper Extremity Motor Score: r = 0.24
- Lower Extremity Motor Score: r = 0.70
- ASIA Motor Score: r = 0.64
(Harkema et al. 2016; n=156; 123 males, 29 females; mean (SD) age: 36 (15) years; 110 cervical, 42 thoracic; 43 ASIA A, 21 ASIA B, 39 ASIA C, and 49 ASIA D; and median (range) time since injury: 0.9 (0.1-45.2) years)
- The 6MWT differed between 1 month and 3 months (mean score increased from 314 to 473 metres, P<.001) and between 3 months and 6 months (mean score increased from 473 to 502 metres, P=.01) but not between 6 months and 12 months (mean score decreased from 502 to 495 metres, P=.76)
(van Hedel et al., 2006)
Floor/Ceiling Effect
No values were reported for the presence of floor/ceiling effects in the 6MWT for the SCI population.
Dr. Janice Eng, Tyra Chu
Date Last Updated
31 December 2024
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