• Assesses short duration walking speed (m/s)
  • Has been used in various patient populations including stroke, Parkinson’s disease, general neurologic movement disorders, and SCI

Clinical Considerations

  • The 10MWT only assesses walking speed and does not consider the amount of physical assistance required, devices or endurance.
  • The test is conducted in a controlled environment (i.e., lab or hospital setting), so results cannot be directly translated to the environment (i.e., crossing a busy street).  The 10 MWT also requires an individual to ambulate a minimum of 14 m.  There have been reports in the literature that the distance is not always standardized (i.e., 10 m versus 14 m).
  • The 10MWT is a useful measure in the SCI population for both research and clinical practice.  The scale properties (time in seconds or m/s) of the 10MWT make it a responsive test well suited to evaluating clinical interventions.
  • It is suitable for individuals who can, at a minimum, ambulate in household settings (i.e., > 14 m).
  • Assessment is easy to set up and administer, and is well-tolerated by most patient groups.

ICF Domain

Activity ▶ Mobility


  • The 10MWT is clinician-administered and measures the time required for the person with SCI to walk 10 meters.
  • The test is performed using a ‘flying start’ – the person walks 14 meters and the time is measured for the intermediate 10 meters walked.
  • The person performing the test walks at his/her preferred walking speed, they may use any assistive device (e.g., braces or walker) that they normally use, and they must wear shoes for increased safety.

Number of Items



A 14 meter corridor free of obstacles, and a stopwatch


The time (to the nearest second) is reported. Walking speed (meters/second) can be calculated by dividing 10 meters by total time in seconds.



Training Required

None, though a clinician familiar with people with SCI is recommended for safety


N/A. Stopwatch only required.

Measurement Property Summary

Number of studies reporting psychometric properties: 28


  • MCID: 0.15 m/s

(Forrest et al. 2014; n=249 people with incomplete SCI; outpatient, median time since injury = 0.7 years)

  • SEM: 0.05 m/s

(Lam et al. 2008, calculated from van Hedel et al. 2005, n=22; 14 males, mixed injury types, no information on chronicity)

  • MDC: 0.105 m/s

(Tester et al. 2016; n=72, 57 males, 20 sessions of locomotor training, mixed injury types, median (range) post-SCI = 0.7 (0.1-14.7) years

Reliability – High

Number of studies reporting reliability data: 8

  • High test-retest reliability: ICC = 0.977-0.981

(Musselman and Yang 2013; n=20, 14 males, incomplete SCI, time since injury (SD) = 5.4 (8.8) years)

  • High inter-rater reliability: ICC = 0.997

(Srisim et al. 2015; n=83, chronic SCI, AIS C-D; tetraplegia and paraplegia, mean time since injury (multiple and non-multiple fallers): 46.72-58.70 months)

  • High intra-rater reliability: ICC = 0.974

(Van Hedel et al. 2005; n=22, 14 males; AIS A-D; paraplegia; and no information on chronicity)

  • High test-retest reliability: ICC = 0.983-0.97

(Perez-Sanpablo et al. 2017; n=23, 15 males, mean age: 45.6 + 12.6 years, chronic and subacute injury types).

  • High test-retest reliability: ICC = 0.99

(Rini et al. 2018; n=25; 22 males, 3 females; mean age: 27 years; AIS A/B; and mean time since injury: 5.5 years)

Validity – Low to High

Number of studies reporting validity data: 21

  • High correlation with Walking Index for SCI: At 3 months r = 0.78; At 6 months r = 0.85; At 12 months r = 0.77
  • High correlation with Functional Independence Measure-Locomotor Score: At 3 months r = 0.80; At 6 months > 0.80; At 12 months r = 0.66
  • High correlation with 6-Minute Walk Test: At 3 months r = 0.95; At 6 months r > 0.80; At 12 months r = 0.92

(Ditunno et al. 2007; n=146, 114 males, inpatient, incomplete SCI, within 1 year post-injury)

  • Moderate correlation with ASIA Motor Scale: LEMS r = 0.69; ASIA Motor Score r = 0.63

(Harkema et al. 2016; N=152, 123 male; mixed injury type; median (range) time post-SCI = 0.9 (0.1-45.2) years)

  • High correlation with 2-Minute Walk Test: r=0.964 (Self 10MWT), r=0.974 (Maximal 10MWT)

(Willi et al. 2023; n=50; mean (SD) age: 52.6 (16.2) years; 24 tetraplegic, 26 paraplegic; 2 ASIA A, 7 ASIA C, and 41 ASIA D; and mean (SD) time since injury: 6.11 (9.8) years)

  • Low correlation with Standing and Walking Assessment Tool: r=0.415 (preferred speed), r=0.409 (fast speed)

(Musselman et al. 2022; N= 618; 141 females; mean age: 48.7 years; 164 ASIA A, 66 ASIA B, 104 ASIA C, 283 ASIA D, 1 ASIA E; 383 cervical, 156 thoracic, 72 lumbar, 7 sacral)

  • High correlation with Mini BESTest: Correlation ρ= -0.81; (p<0.001)
  • High correlation with Berg Balance Scale: Correlation= ρ= -0.88; (p<0.001)

(Jorgensen et al. 2017; n=46; 32 males, 14 females; mean (SD) age: 54.5 (17.0) years; 7 ASIA A, B, or C, 39 ASIA D; and median time since injury: 6.5 years)


Effect Size

  • Mean change (m/s): 1 to 3 months post-injury = 0.92; 3 to 6 months post-injury = 0.47

(Lam et al. 2008, calculated from measurements made in van Hedel et al. 2007; n=51, 42 males, incomplete SCI, 46 with traumatic injury)

  • Standardized Response Mean: All individuals: 0.51; AIS-A/B: 0.51; AIS-C: 0.50; AIS-D: 0.98

(Post locomotor training; Harkema et al. 2016; N=152, 123 male; mixed injury type; median (range) time post-SCI = 0.9 (0.1-45.2) years)

Floor/Ceiling Effect

Not established in SCI


Dr. Janice Eng, Tyra Chu

Date Last Updated

31 December 2024

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